When Brandi Sharkey became pregnant with her first child, she realized how important it is for a new mother to have a community that she can turn to for support. Wanting to provide this sense of community to her hometown in El Segundo, California, she decided to create her own business--Happy Baby.
Happy Baby is a family wellness and yoga studio emphasizing on creating healthy lives for new and expecting mothers through a series of different fitness classes. If you attend Brandi’s studio, you’re more than just a member and client--you’re part of a community. Brandi and her co-founder worked tirelessly to create the perfect, welcoming space for any mother to feel at home.
One thing Brandi was especially concerned about was making sure she was providing a safe space for these mothers: “We have pregnant moms and new moms in our studio that are deeply breathing and exercising, and I think it’s very important to know what could potentially be in the air around them.”
Wanting to make sure she was providing the healthy environment she was promising her clients, Brandi decided Happy Baby needed an Awair.
Awair tracks toxins and chemicals in your air and gives you personalized recommendations to help you stay safe and healthy. Brandi knew that if she wanted to create a healthy environment for her community, she needed to protect them from the potentially harmful effects of unhealthy air.
Brandi has had Awair in her studio for about six months, and she is committed to staying on top of the ever-changing air quality that a fitness studio can bring: “The air definitely fluctuates, and it has been interesting keeping track of these fluctuations to see if there are any patterns so we can know when to make changes to keep the clients safe.”
One of the patterns Brandi has noticed? Cleaning! “We learned that every time we have the studio cleaned the air quality gets worse, and I can imagine this is from the cleaning solutions--even if they are ‘green’ solutions, we can still see their effect on the studio’s air.” As a solution, Brandi knows to leave windows open to allow for fresh air to protect her clients from any potential harmful chemicals.
Above everything, Brandi is grateful for the peace of mind Awair brings: “To be more mindful about the actual quality of air has been very helpful. As a studio owner, peace of mind is important--I feel better knowing my clients are safe.”
Do you have an #AwairStory? We’d love to hear! Email us at hello@getawair.com to share.