Awair is disappointed by PlanetWatch’s actions over the past several months and the impact PlanetWatch’s actions have had on its community.
On January 20, 2022, without notice to Awair, PlanetWatch announced “as of January 27th at 6 pm CET [PlanetWatch] will pause selling Type 4 licenses until further notice.”
At the time, PlanetWatch was materially exceeding its “no cost” 7,000 daily query limit without paying for excess access and the cost it imposed on Awair and its network. Awair continued to support PlanetWatch’s unpaid excess access while attempting to negotiate resolution.
As PlanetWatch’s daily query usage exceeded 1,600,000 queries, PlanetWatch continued to refuse to pay for its excess queries above the “no cost” 7,000 daily query limit.
On March 1, 2022, Awair sent a formal notice of breach of contract and a request for remediation, which formally addressed this issue and other issues, and confirmed the parties’ contract would be terminated if remediation did not occur by March 31, 2022.
PlanetWatch did not reply until Thursday, March 24, 2022, and did not offer to pay for its excess usage or stop exceeding the free daily limit. To the contrary, PlanetWatch’s daily queries between this period increased to 1,7000,000 daily queries without payment to just short of 1,900,000 daily queries without payment.
Awair reconfirmed its willingness to continue to support PlanetWatch if PlanetWatch would pay for its excess usage over the “no cost” daily limit and resolve other open issues. Instead of responding, paying, or addressing the open issues, PlanetWatch issued its March 30, 2022 public statement. Accordingly, Awair will no longer be able to support PlanetWatch and the relationship will terminate at 12:01 am Pacific Time on April 1, 2022.